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Moved project to Digital Ocean LEMP server , getting database error

Manas Mayank |03 Apr at 11:04

I have uploaded my project Digital Ocean LEMP and getting issue with 

1. Datatype datetime - 0000-00-00 00:00:00 is not valid date type

2. Datatype Integer - Incorrect integer value for column name at row 1

3. Datatype Float - Data truncated for column for column name at row 1

Basically these error were coming at insert and update time, as proper datatype was not coming from php end.

I cannot change php end as project is live.

How to dissolve these issues. thanks in advance

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Dhananjay Kumar03 Apr at 12:04

I am getting the same issues & i have updated MySQL settings and its work fine for me.

You go in a file : /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
and add below script at end of line

After adding restart your MySQL: sudo service mysql restart

Please try, its really work.

Manas Mayank03 Apr at 12:04

Thats works for me. Thanks


03 Apr at 11:04


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06 Apr at 10:04